Now during the Corona time, which forces us to come home – to BE at home – with ourselves – mighty deeper experiences and realizations can happen in us, which might not have been possible otherwise.
We are so to speak forced to it, or certainly requested, to look deeper – to explore deeper – to fathom deeper!
What then to fathom?
To fathom ourselves! Our depth – our immeasurable DEPTH – which leads through inner abysses and fears and finally to the liberation of our TRUE BEING.
This is what it is all about NOW > for those who are ready!
Because they want and decide for it! > Yes, decide!
Deciding to listen inside, to follow the CALL.
Deciding for the highest possible and deepest possible realization and unveiling of our SELF – our TRUE NATURE and its expression!
This is the beginning of our maturity, our inner POWER, our gentle great STRENGTH, our LOVE, our FEARLESSNESS, our UNDISTURBABILITY, our RESPONSIBILITY, our UNBELIEVABILITY and INCOMPETENCE and much more.
All of this is possible NOW, which may never have been possible so soon without Corona.
See this great opportunity of BREAK THROUGH as a gift.
The time of the breakthrough of the «GREATER» – the COSMOS within us.
It is the inner CALL that can be heard NOW.
There are regular «Meditation – Inner Retreat» on Tuesday at 8:15 pm in my Zoom Room.
… and there are regular «Living-Enlightenment» sessions on Thursdays at 8:15pm with profound conversations based on the book by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.