Gib Dich Ganz!


Everything we do half-heartedly leaves us in a pain of incompleteness!

For over 25 years writing is still one of my beloved activities.
Writing from inner living experiences and insights for piercing – clarifying and for transcendence.
Here is an older text – still timelessly coherent!

Everything that we do half-heartedly leaves in us a pain of incompleteness!

And what does half-hearted actually mean?
Half-hearted means not to BE fully PRESENT in an experience!

As long as we do things from the separated-perspective and therefore out of incompleteness, we will never be able to be fully present, because we are mainly controlled by the unconscious foggy thought-matrix.

The power of being fully present is the power of being wholly aware in everything.

This power of CONSCIOUSNESS is not the same as thought power.
The POWER of CONSCIOUSNESS is a much stronger POWER. It is the field of pure SEEING and immediate knowing!

As long as we live our life from the perspective of the limited being and ask for things which we believe would be beneficial for our life, we actually only seek difficulties.

It is the experiences of the always repetitive same, until we have just learned everything necessary and make a completely new decision!

This new decision is rather a very powerful DECISION FORCE from the HEART! > So my intimate experience!

If this power of decision is now directed to SELF-RECOGNITION, it means that we are ready for a completely new WAY OF BEING.

💓Here are the five coins of DEVOTION to the TRUE guidance within YOU – to the CONSCIOUSNESS that you REALLY are!

🙌 Give away…..

  1. Your five senses.
  2. your thinking faculty.
  3. your breathing.
  4. your intellect
  5. your sense of a separate existence.

What is left there?!
Don’t think that this is too difficult, because exactly this thought is the obstacle!

And do not think that you are not mature!
This is self-limitation! You have done that enough so far!
And don’t think how it can be done!
Just be ready!

The honest power of decision will show you what to do!

Turning to the SILENCE in YOU and listening to it is a wonderful possibility!

Grace and Bliss 🙌

Martha Maria 💓